FREE Interview Guide for Nonprofits

Free resource for nonprofit leaders!

The interview is your first opportunity to get to know your candidate. So, we want to help you approach your interviews the right way.

In this Interview Guide for Nonprofits, you’ll find…

Guidance on how to approach interviews

Sample interview agenda

Bonus tips we’ve learned from our experience as recruiters for nonprofits

✓ Ready-to-Use question sets for common nonprofit positions

100+ questions you can ask at your next interview

As nonprofit recruiters exclusively serving nonprofits, we know how to approach the hiring process.

We are so excited to share some key tips and strategies (and tools we actually use) with you!

Whether or not you’re in a position to partner with us, we want to fulfill our mission to help nonprofits hire great people.

We put together this Interview Guide for Nonprofits just for you so you can level up your hiring today and hire better!